Custom fitted mouth protectors from Tacoma dentists

Custom fitted mouth protectors from Tacoma dentists

Quality Mouthguards


The idea of wearing protective gear when playing sports, cycling or taking part in any other physical activity isn’t a new notion. The case for custom fitted mouth protectors, however, may still be misunderstood.

Custom fitted mouth guards are superior to generic store-bought mouth guards. They are made personally for you by your dentist, so they are able to offer a more comfortable fit, allowing you to move, talk and breathe naturally. A custom fitted mouth protector should also not be confused with the “boil and bite” type of mouth protectors that are available at many sporting stores. With this type of mouth guard, the guard is first softened in water (boiled) and then inserted into the client’s mouth so that it adapts to the shape of your mouth.

While a “boil and bite” mouth guard might be a bit more comfortable than a generic, over-the-counter type of mouth guard, it doesn’t offer the optimal protection, accuracy and comfort of the pressurized process of creating a mouth protector; with the inaccuracy of these guards, they can sometimes cause more injury than protection.

With this process used at Distinctive Dentistry, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth and teeth and the mouth guard is fabricated to fit the impression of your teeth. In addition to being more comfortable, this type of mouth protector is thicker and offers more protection against dental injuries.

Mouth guard special – get a custom fitted mouth protector for $49

Distinctive Dentistry is currently running a special on custom fitted mouth protectors. Our mouth guards are valued at $230, but in support of local high school athletics, we are currently offering these custom mouth protectors for only $49. We will also do the initial exam for free, making it a worthwhile investment for high school athletes in the Tacoma area. Contact us for more information today.

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5615 Valley Ave. E., Tacoma, WA 98424


(253) 922-6822


Monday - Thursday
7am - 4pm

©2024 Distinctive Dentistry, Keith Phillips DMD, MSD . Website by M Agency