
Same Day Crowns

The technology now exists to offer patients single-visit dental restorations. It’s no longer necessary to wait months for restorations and undergo multiple appointments. Same day crowns were unheard of just a few years ago. However, this cutting edge technology is changing the way crowns are installed, and how metal crowns can quickly be replaced. To…

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Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full-mouth reconstruction or a “full mouth rehabilitation” refers to a complex, comprehensive restoration procedure that involves replacing all of the teeth — both upper and lower — and may even require reconstruction of the structure of the mouth such as gums and jawbone, in addition to creating new teeth. The ultimate result of a full…

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Temporary Crowns

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that improves the strength and appearance of a damaged tooth. Temporary crowns can be made in your family dentist’s office, whereas most permanent crowns are made in a dental laboratory. Temporary crowns are utilized in several situations: Typically, temporary crowns are made of an acrylic-based material or stainless steel…

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Ceramic Porcelain Dental Crowns

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that improves the strength and appearance of a damaged tooth. All-Ceramic Porcelain Crowns are the most realistic looking “caps” for damaged teeth. Your family dentist will likely suggest this option for teeth that show when you smile and when you speak — particularly those teeth in the front of…

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Metal Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns are prosthetics that your family dentist attaches to a damaged tooth. A dental crown may be needed in order to: Protect a weak tooth from decay Hold parts of a cracked tooth together Make cosmetic changes Hold a dental bridge in place Cover a dental implant Here we examine metal dental crowns in…

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Types of Dental Crowns

What is a Dental Crown? A dental crown is a protective covering or “cap” that your family dentist affixes onto a damaged tooth which strengthens the tooth, protects exposed nerves and may also improve tooth alignment and the appearance of the mouth. A dental crown may also be used to anchor a dental bridge in…

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Root Canals

What is a root canal? Beneath the tooth enamel and dentin, there is soft tissue known as pulp. The pulp of the tooth contains nerves, connective tissue, and the blood vessels — the “roots” of your tooth.  When pulp tissue becomes infected, your family dentist performs a “root canal” to remove the infected or damaged…

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What are the Pros and Cons of Getting Dentures? (Part 2 of 3)

Reasons you may want to consider getting dentures: Dentures today are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth due to advances in technology. Dentures may reduce the chances of getting TMJ in some situations Dentures help you maintain your smile when you have missing teeth Partial Dentures can keep your teeth from moving if you have a…

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Dental Implants or Tooth Replacement in Tacoma, WA

There are few dental problems worse than losing a tooth. Whether it occurs when you are young or old, whether the cause is facial trauma, malnutrition, gum disease or simply old age, tooth loss can fully destroy your dental health if not treated in a timely manner. Fortunately, there is now an option to not…

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What Are Dentures and what Types of Dentures are available? (Part 1 of 3)

Dentures are a (usually) removable replacement for missing teeth and tissue. There are a number of different types of dentures. They can be made of a flexible plastic, metal, acrylic, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. You and your Prosthodontist will work together to determine which option is right for you: Complete Dentures —…

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5615 Valley Ave. E., Tacoma, WA 98424


(253) 922-6822


Monday - Thursday
7am - 4pm

©2024 Distinctive Dentistry, Keith Phillips DMD, MSD . Website by M Agency