If you’re one of the millions of Americans who are anxious at even the thought of visiting your dentist for a check up or dental procedure, conscious sedation dentistry is the ideal solution. This type of dentistry isn’t just about making the procedure itself pain-free – it’s about effectively handling psychological factors in order to keep you calm and relaxed in the dentist’s chair.
At our office in Tacoma, we have been specially trained to evaluate each patient and administer the correct type of sedation for the procedure, which could include:
- Dental implants
- Esthetic reconstructive dentistry
- Placing a fixed bridge
- Placing crowns
With Conscious IV Sedation, patients are able to respond to questions and instructions, but will otherwise feel far removed from the procedure. Feeling no pain or anxiety, many patients often feel as though they have slept through the procedure. This is very valuable to patients that come in for everything from teeth cleaning to dental implants, as they feel far more confident about seeking dental treatment and maintaining their oral health, helping to fight periodontal disease, tooth loss and other conditions that can have a lasting impact on their general health.
Dr. Keith Phillips and his staff emphasize building a positive relationship with patients by making our dental treatments as comfortable and anxiety-free as possible. Our practice focuses on all aspects of restorative dentistry, helping people feel more confident in their smiles every day. Please contact us to find out more about sedation dentistry or to book an appointment at our Tacoma office.